
We can find a needle in a haystack

“Our international network provides opportunities​”

We have eyes everywhere

Since its inception, ABS-Tracer has been continuously engaged in creating a European (24/7) partner network to make it possible to deploy the necessary efforts internationally.

For a quarter of a century, ABS-Tracer has been involved in worldwide research and legal returning of stolen and embezzled assets. The power of our large-scale international partner network has now proven its worth and has not gone unnoticed by insurance, leasing and rental companies as well as OEMs. An increasing number of renowned car manufacturers therefore use ABS-Tracer to monitor the follow-up and recovery of their factory systems. 


How do we investigate?

Investigation ABS-Tracer

Have you recently been the victim of a theft, fraud or embezzlement and do you want to proceed to investigate the circumstances? Our experts are available 24/7 to quantify the damage and investigate it further (fact-finding). The work to be performed on your behalf can consist of:

Logo Keurmerk POB

Business and fraud investigation

Bedrijfs- en fraude onderzoek

Some aspects of the service include:

Are you curious we find a needle in a haystack?

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